How I plan my Days

Browsing HackerNews I stumbled across this article by Jeff Huang. In it he describes, essentially, the reward of completing a quest to find a time management and planning tool that works for him. After experimenting with various productivity apps, Jeff boiled down the issue of planning and managing one’s time and projects to its essence. The basic ingredients are a calendar and a text document, that’s it. The way he uses those though, was a revelation to me....

January 22, 2022 · Stephan

Looking Back at 2019

Another year has come to an end and it’s time to reflect on it. Let’s dive right in. My personal highlight is the discovery of indoor climbing (aka bouldering). I used to think of it as a hipster sport but bouldering is intense and extremely rewarding (and frustrating) in a lot of different ways. It feels almost like a condensed version of human existence: fail, fail, almost succeed, fail, win. That one victory after a series of defeats tastes the sweatest!...

January 16, 2020 · Stephan

Hello World

A new personal homepage and blog is born.

December 11, 2019 · Stephan